How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Silly as it sounds I have a little toe killing me so my
faithful side kick (housemate) cleaning the coop
feeding the birds this morning suppose I will have
either 4/5 or 5/5 will update this as it happens.
We had some running to do run into chehalis
my friend is diabetic so picked up his meds
then to dels for dog food and James shows me the 5 eggs
he collected this morning so all girls counted for
we have the 5/5
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11 eggs

4 eggs from the control group

7 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 68F degrees very windy and cold I do believe it snowed in the mountains

one Russian Orloff chick is zipping it's egg in the incubator at the moment
Right in the beginning of lock down for 8 other eggs in there

Sorry I have absent but I've been busy but got a lot of thing going on right now

She was upset as I for got the feed for her

The VA Hospital is chirping this spring but goslings only no ducklings

Some of our friends from up north came down to visit

The goslings are in all sizes

And they are not ashamed to beg for food

I hope you all enjoy your week

That's a lot of baby geese! Do you think the ducks are out of luck? Or is she still sitting? Good egg count!
Counts? Umm I didn't count, been so tired I am lucky to be awake to put them all in for the night. Thank goodness my husband has been collecting and tucking birds in. What day is it anymore? I need a nap.
I can identify with that, been going like one of the chicken minus a head
Thankfully my Barreds are doing what they do best laying eggs but they are
not done for the day but it will probably be 5 again only 5 11 month old pullets
lay right now the others are all to young 3 months at best and about 16 of them.
my favorite saying applys at this point.
"When you are up to your a** in alligator's it is hard to remind yourself
you initial objective was to drain the swamp"
Penny I am past my head in alligators and I think I have a steam shovel that's running making the swamp deeper under me as I go. One more math class to go. freaking exam, ugggggh!

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