How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

thank you. I appreciate your response. Do you sell eggs too and how do you plan for the AMT and how many to sell?? Am I overthinking this or is it normal? Sounds like they lay and you collect, not making a big deal...
I sell my extra eggs to friends & coworkers. They ask or I offer. If I don't have enough, I just say so & then usually in a day or so I have enough. I have 21 hens, some are 2+ years old.some are a year old and a couple just started laying this year. Today I got 16 eggs. 1 hen just hatched a couple of chicks, so she isn't back to laying eggs yet. So that means I got 16 eggs from 20 hens. I sell my eggs for $2.00 a dozen. You need to see what people in your area are selling fresh eggs for and then decide on your price. I have a lot of people that give me egg cartons, so I never have had to buy any of those. Some people in my are sell eggs for 50 cents to a dollar more than I do per dozen, but I'm comfortable with my price.
It's mostly a waiting game, however, a rule of guidance says hens usually start laying around 20 weeks or 6 months of age.  Some start quite a while earlier and some start a lot later.  Another indicator is the redness of the comb & wattles.  The redder the better.  Another sign is when the pullet starts squatting, like if you were going to pet it on the back and it lowers itself into a squatting position (like it's getting ready for a rooster to mount it).  Those are all signs that a pullet is close to age laying, but as with people, hens are all different.  Yours will start laying when it is the right time for them.

I know it seems like a big span but that takes weather into factor too. Hot summer days slow them down, and cool winters can stop production. Like I said during idea circumstances you likely average at least 12 a day. But with only 19 hens you won't get near that many the second winter (most still lay pretty regularly tier first winter). You might want to start thinking about increasing your flock for next year thought if you want to sell with that large of an egg demand. Fortunately you already have a rooster on hand.

Two eggs this morning from my 19 week old hens. I'm fairly certain the small brown one is from my Amber Link (Minnie Mouse). This is her 3rd egg as she started laying on Friday and gave us an egg Friday, Saturday and this morning.

The light colored egg I'm assuming is from our Brown Leghorn. I think that's the only one we have who should lay an egg that light in color.

This is so exciting for me and my kids. :)

(We have 6 hens. 2 Production Reds who's combs are still very light in color, 1 Columbian Rock, 1 Australorp, 1 Amber Link, and 1 Brown Leghorn. All are 19 weeks old as of last Friday.)
Someone needs to make a list of chicken breed abbreviations. I only recognize about every ether one. Lol.
5 for 7 today. From my BCM, BO, EE.
I'm still learning them myself...

Here's a couple of links that help me decode the acronyms...

I haven't been on for a while...

I've been following...

I was back to getting 14 eggs...then it jumped to 17.
June 1st I realized the pullets from the Jan-Feb hatches had started laying.
Two Silkie X hens went broody again.
And then I missed gathering the eggs for a day.

The next day I went out and I had 7 broody hens! A couple more have taken up the cause and now there's 9 broody hens!

One of the pullets that hatched on New Years is one of the broodies. All of my nest boxes are full.
Henny Penny and Darkface are sharing a nest. Some of the Silkies are nesting on the floor.
I have eggs everywhere!

I hope to have numbers soon once I get everything sorted out.

Oh yes, I missed the guinea hen.
Except for missing two consecutive days...I'm still getting one guinea egg everyday.
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