How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


5 eggs

2 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens


10 eggs

7 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 112F degrees
Makes it harder for some to go out side for very long but being night time now I am chasing off several coyotes at the moment so I am sure they will return before sunrise and the coyotes do need to be downed on my side of the fence just the rules of engagement under California fish and game Laws .......
24 yesterday, 7 broken on the floor run, my city slicker wife (we've both grew up in big cities) did not check the 2nd run (no roof) where the newer layers decided to drop their priceless eggs. While I got stucked @airport mayhem in Atlanta.
I know it seems like a big span but that takes weather into factor too. Hot summer days slow them down, and cool winters can stop production. Like I said during idea circumstances you likely average at least 12 a day. But with only 19 hens you won't get near that many the second winter (most still lay pretty regularly tier first winter). You might want to start thinking about increasing your flock for next year thought if you want to sell with that large of an egg demand. Fortunately you already have a rooster on hand.
thanks. Very true, thanks to him. I was curious as this summer is completely miserable and 6 of the older chicks are panting like crazy. I was thinking winter may be much better than this horrible heat.
thanks. Very true, thanks to him. I was curious as this summer is completely miserable and 6 of the older chicks are panting like crazy. I was thinking winter may be much better than this horrible heat.

Some people put up misters or sprinklers for the really hot days. I have bamboo down the side of my run for extra shade. And if I see them panting I just water the dirt with the hose. Make sure Their water stays full. And you can see about giving them frozen treats as well. I bought a bag of frozen mixed veggies dumped it in ice trays added water and made veggie cubes for my girls... it easily gets over 100 for us but this is my first summer with the girls as we got the first 6 in October. Keeping them cool helps a lot, I've noticed on weeks I'm more diligent about keeping their area cool, I tend to get more eggs.
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So I was finally able to confirm 11 if 12 laying. I'm not sure on #12 but I'm pretty sure she's not yet. However I wonder with her as I often see her in the nests when her buddy is laying an egg. They are the 2 youngest ones all white EE she's laying the other is a tan and white EE both about 17 weeks.

5 eggs yesterday, still waiting to get eggs today they are laying in 2 nests and every time of go out there is another girl in each. One nest has at least 3 the other I think I saw at least 2.

I think I broke my broody finally, I let her go to long (about 2 weeks) but my big pin the younger girls use to jump the fence. So I finally had to use my small dogs crate instead. Which makes me feel bad as its not much bigger then the nesting boxes.

Also I noticed last night while they were forging in the yard my broody has leg mites...anyone have tipswich for treatment? We put Vaseline on everyone last night as that's about all could figure out to use last night. I need to clean the coop still and I'm not sure how often to treat the chickens or what to use that might be better or safer.
Some people put up misters or sprinklers for the really hot days. I have bamboo down the side of my run for extra shade. And if I see them panting I just water the dirt with the hose. Make sure Their water stays full. And you can see about giving them frozen treats as well. I bought a bag of frozen mixed veggies dumped it in ice trays added water and made veggie cubes for my girls... it easily gets over 100 for us but this is my first summer with the girls as we got the first 6 in October. Keeping them cool helps a lot, I've noticed on weeks I'm more diligent about keeping their area cool, I tend to get more eggs.
I do frozen treats as well. I'm going to put a baby pool out for next week and put the bath tub pads on the bottom so they don't slip, it'll only be an inch or so. They've been in water their entire lives so far lol (I hate sending them out with dirty talons). I also did that watering the run area last week and it truly helped.
Thank you for those good ideas:) our girls are 27 April and 16 May.

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