How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

24 today, one of my Australorps is still broody, it's the second week I'd been kicking her out of the nest. She moves from one nest to another that has eggs- very persistent.
Mice??? Funny you mentioned that, I never had "Mickey Mouse" in our coop till last May. Oh boy we had mice (fam of 8 in the food storage side) took me 2 wks to get rid of them. They made a home in the insulation in between the walls was nasty pee & feces smell had to tear it all. I have traps inside the doors and outside the doors filled the area with fresh mint every day from my wife's herb garden. So far mice free for now.

Now mites are controlled by DE and all natural poultry protector spray by Manna Pro. Used straws in the run to control mud when we had rain few months ago brought mites, so I only use sand and pine shavings.
I know I have mice in the walls of one coop. I can see the whole. I have stuffed fresh mint in there. Set mouse traps, caught 1, set another type caught 1 more. The food is stored in metal trash cans with secure lids. Feeders are hung from the ceiling by chains. I know there are still more mice as I can see the insulation appearing every so often. Not sure what else to do. Don't want to accidentally poison my chickens, so I haven't gone that route. Am also concerned about snap traps because I don't want to accidently harm my chickens. Had one under a plastic crate with openings in the sides, after the first mouse got caught the rest learned to avoid it. Glue traps, same thing, plus they quickly got coated with bedding and weren't effective. We also have 2 cats that roam the property but don't really go in the chicken yard or coops. We also have 2 large owls that live and hunt on our property, I'm sure they help control the population. Plus, I've heard that chickens will eat mice if they can catch them. Mine don't seem to even see them!
I have a raised coop and shut all openings at sunset. I use 1/4 hardware cloth over vents and have a hanging feeder in the coop. And a led night light is on all night.
My chickens are carnivores, they would eat a mouse. Two days ago I was in their pen looking around and I noticed a young toad about the size of a large grape with arms and legs. Two chickens checked it out and must have had a not so tasty experience with toads in the past. A third hen saw that toad and it was swallowed in two seconds, yummy. GC
I too have a raised coop & shut all the openings at lockup. I also have a hanging feeder and store extra food in a metal trash can with a secure lid. I have seen a mouse make it under the door when the door was shut, so I know that is a problem area. I also have a night light on all night every night in the coop. My chickens don't seem to even notice the mouse on the occasions I have scared it & it's ran across the coop! My chickens free range (modified, there are fences, but they have a very large yard & get time outside of that yard as well) but so far I have never seen them go after a mouse. I just know if I see a mouse, there have to be many more unseen. And I don't want them living in the chicken coop (or my house!)
Egg count is down, molt has begun. Tails are falling off the EE hens. Blue Cochins are close to starting blowing feathers, get the rake out! POOF!

I've been getting 1/6 for almost a month, now. Green eggs from an EE, is all I'm getting. I had 2 broody, and one has pretty much aged out - she's in "retirement" now. The first broody is done and started molting, so she still isn't laying. I think the other 3 are on strike out of sympathy for their sisters.
From our 10 hens we found 3 eggs this morning.

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