How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I am so worried why I got one egg a week ago and no more since. Can anyone tell me if something is wrong with my hens. They are 6 months old brown leghorns
I don't think anything is wrong. They are young and we are after the summer solstice. Days are getting shorter so onset of lay is delayed.
Check the space between their pointy pelvic bones. If it is 2 fingers or more, eggs are imminent. If less than that, you need to wait longer.
Waiting is a bear, isn't it?
I don't think anything is wrong. They are young and we are after the summer solstice. Days are getting shorter so onset of lay is delayed.
Check the space between their pointy pelvic bones. If it is 2 fingers or more, eggs are imminent. If less than that, you need to wait longer.
Waiting is a bear, isn't it?
Yes chicken canoe it is. I guess I worry about them to much. I'm a first time chicken raiser and I love them so much.
My chickens eat a lot of things they shouldn't. I don't worry. If all they had to eat was Hosta leaves, that would be a problem. I assume you have more greenery than that.
They tend not to eat things they shouldn't. However, they are voracious eaters and if a complete, fresh chicken feed is unavailable, they'll fill their crop with something.
All things in moderation is my motto.

There are probably worse things lurking out there.
Good luck to you and yours.
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My chickens eat a lot of things they shouldn't. I don't worry. If all they had to eat was Hosta leaves, that would be a problem. I assume you have more greenery than that.
They tend not to eat things they shouldn't. However, they are voracious eaters and if a complete, fresh chicken feed is unavailable, they'll fill their crop with something.
All things in moderation is my motto.

There are probably worse things lurking out there.
 Good luck to you and yours.
27 Eggs Surprising since 2 are moulting and 1 broody trying to hatch invisible clutch of eggs
10 eggs. But I put 4 of them back in the nest box for the new broody. I'm glad I decided to see what she was sitting on as 1 had broke and made a terrible mess of the 4 that were left in there. I cleaned out the bedding & cleaned off the 4 remaining eggs. We'll see if anything hatches or not. Today was day 3 for her.
The other broody who was due to hatch eggs today or this weekend is down to just 1 egg, so I'm doubting that she will hatch anything, but I'm giving her through the weekend. If nothing has happened by then I'll try to sneak 3 chicks under her so she doesn't try to remain broody for ever!

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