How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3/9 again. But can tell we have at least 5-6 laying
And we have enough to be pretty on the counter now!
How are your folks doing ? My Mom
is actually gaining weight
My dad is going home today (Saturday). My Mom was able to stand for 3 minutes and walk between the parallel bars for about 4 feet. Those are both huge accomplishments for her! I hope she continues to make gains even after my Dad goes back home.

9 eggs today, but I had to put one of my EE hens down. She had about 2 feet of intestine hanging out. Not sure what happened, I'm thinking prolapse, but not sure. Anyway, it was a mercy to put her down.
My dad is going home today (Saturday).  My Mom was able to stand for 3 minutes and walk between the parallel bars for about 4 feet.  Those are both huge accomplishments for her!  I hope she continues to make gains even after my Dad goes back home.

9 eggs today, but I had to put one of my EE hens down.  She had about 2 feet of intestine hanging out.  Not sure what happened, I'm thinking prolapse, but not sure.  Anyway, it was a mercy to put her down.

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. It can be so hard but you definitely have her mercy. We had a pullet that was fine one minute three minutes later we found her dead with her intestines and half of her liver out. We've no idea what happened to her. There was no blood either which was odd and no predator.

We've also had chicks hatch with their intestines out of their navels or push them out after hatching. Only a couple chicks have done this one hatched with its intestines wrapped around it's leg. It's very hard knowing all you can do is give them mercy. Thankfully for us these experiences have been rare.
My dad is going home today (Saturday). My Mom was able to stand for 3 minutes and walk between the parallel bars for about 4 feet. Those are both huge accomplishments for her! I hope she continues to make gains even after my Dad goes back home.

9 eggs today, but I had to put one of my EE hens down. She had about 2 feet of intestine hanging out. Not sure what happened, I'm thinking prolapse, but not sure. Anyway, it was a mercy to put her down.
My continued prayers to you and your parents glad
your Dad is headed home

I am very sorry about your ee
So sad..only got 5 today, was very thrilled when we did get an over the top Xtra large-jumbo egg from golden comet though♡
But..with it getting cooler and constant rain and girls stuck inside, what can we expect?!? Yesterday was 9!!
5/5 today, but didn't get 5th egg till after 4:30pm. My largest egg at 87grams, 3oz, was a single yolk at 2 inches across. Could've been a velosirapter sized chicken if it was fertile.
So,the speckled eggs we got earlier in the week we thought we our Welsummer, but I caught her laying and she laying a smooth terra cotta egg. So, who is laying the speckled egg? Maybe our Olive Egger? Her feather pattering looks like she is a welsummer cross. It's a mystery!

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