How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


3 eggs

Temp low 80's with some precipitation that was much needed
How are your folks getting along now?
saw Mom the other day told me we are the
only two she can trust and we needed to get her
out of there
My folks are doing very well. I saw them today after work. My Dad is going to heart therapy. They monitor him as he works out. He walked on the tread mill for 20 minutes he said. My Mom is walking with a walker now. She said she walked 150 feet today! She is also able to transfer from the bed to the wheelchair and from the wheelchair to the toilet and back. She told my Dad that she wants to move home on the 20th of November! He is going to bring her home tomorrow for the day to see how it goes. It will just be the 2 of them because I already had 2 prior commitments and my brothers weren't planning on coming in to town. One of my concerns is whether or not she will be able to do the transfer from wheelchair to car and back. I asked the nursing home to have her practice today when my Dad got there, but apparently he got there to late in the afternoon, so she wasn't able to practice. I told my Dad that if she couldn't get out of the car when they got home, he could always just drive back to the nursing home.
He said if everything went well tomorrow, then next weekend he would bring her home for the weekend. He figures he can gradually transition her home so that if there are any problems they can figure them out slowly.
7 eggs today. Still none from the EE coop or the 2 Black Penedesencas. They haven't given me an egg in quite a while.

So sorry to see your EE gal's are not giving up any eggs


4 eggs
Hope this keeps up as it was too hot for them to give me much this summer .

Temp low 80's and cloudy all day but zero wind

Found out who was giving me a huge chicken egg with a pale stripe in the center and it was one of my RIR gal as I caught her in the nest doing the dead .

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