How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Oh no that is horrible! He was a bad rooster, I don't have any problems yet but they're still young, if I do have any problems like that he will be visiting God.
20/21 eggs Beautiful sunny
day! temps on upper 60s. Built an adjacent run
for the 13 wk olds chicks
so they can see the older ones.
sitting chilling here rain till all our feet are webbed here so very tired of rain
9 of 18 and new nipples new buckets these are horizontal less dripping I hope
my girls have been laying for a month already some days lately only get 1 egg but have been getting 2 eggs mostly a day its chilly and rainy
Most chickens don't lay every day. Most of mine lay 5 or 6 days in a row and then take a day off. So with only 2 hens getting only 1 a day isn't too surprising. You will probably have days when you get none because they both took a break on the same day.

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