How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

61F and party
5/5 today, 32 for the week. GC
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sitting with my happy girls 14 tonight update number 12 was brought it by BF
he locked up for me
me doing happy dance girls are happy
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glad to here that wishing you a dry safe trip we had a short hail storm here today rare here
Thanks, Penny. I had a great trip up there. We loaded up the car to the top. I couldn't even see out the back ( I know, not very safe & maybe not even legal ), but she even left some things behind!! We spent the night at her BF's parent's house in Michigan and then had a great drive back today. She slept most of the way.

Is that OK for the dogs? I will break them and give them to the chickens, but I do have 4 dogs that would love to get their mouths on some eggs.
Yes! They are fine for dogs & dogs love them! They also help make their coats shiny!

I didn't collect last night and got 44 for 24 tonight.and two soft shells on the poop board.
Nice egg count!

I got 27 eggs today. That is the total for Friday & Saturday. The hens got to eat 3 of the eggs, because the carton I was collecting in was flimsy and 3 fell out and broke on the ground.

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