How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

little bit of a thunder and lightening here funny my girls nev er skipped a beat
kinda scooted around us.. had the power blink but that was all
looks like 9 of 18 today... the hail and downpour only lasted 10 minutes
those where the hail
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23of 24 broke two and feed them to the dog.
18 eggs yesterday
15 eggs today

Cold & rainy all day. Every hour on the hour I've gone down & used the wetvac to get the water out of the basement. It is coming in much slower & so I can keep it contained & manageable! The next few days are suppose to be dry!

And I'm leaving in the morning to drive to Ohio to pick up my daughter! The HWY's I need opened around noon today!
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18 eggs yesterday
15 eggs today

Cold & rainy all day. Every hour on the hour I've gone down & used the wetvac to get the water out of the basement. It is coming in much slower & so I can keep it contained & manageable! The next few days are suppose to be dry!

And I'm leaving in the morning to drive to Ohio to pick up my daughter! The HWY's I need opened around noon today!
glad to here that wishing you a dry safe trip we had a short hail storm here today rare here
Is that OK for the dogs? I will break them and give them to the chickens, but I do have 4 dogs that would love to get their mouths on some eggs.

Yeah, dogs have high potency gastric acid and a very short digestive tract, allowing them to consume larger amounts of bacteria contaminated food without ill effect.

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