How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

through the rain.sleet,wind,and snow,and a nice warm hens gave me 17/19 again today
ok I know i posted a few mins. ago, with 3/5. Well one of my chickens can not tell time. It is 7:15pm and dark outside. Went to lock them up for the night and low and behold, i got another one. Not complaining, just she needs to learn how to read the sun, or lack there-of. so now officially 4/5.
23/35 went ahead and put the total number of layers I have as it seems that most are back producing or thinking about it anyway. I should have about 5 more to add in a month or so. If all these girls start producing everyday I'm gonna have to start looking for a new place to peddle my eggs.

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I forgot to post yesterday but it's another carbon copy of the past week and a half. We got 17 again yesterday from our 19 Gold Comets!!! It really does seem like 'Groundhog Day' over and over again. As Yogi Berra would say "Its De Ja Vu all over again..."
But don't get me wrong 'cause I ain't complaining!

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