How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

42 Eggs Today
I get it! I have 16 chicks and 1 turkey poult (not counting the chick that disappeared a few days ago). The oldest chicks were hatched before the Easter HAL and the youngest chick was hatched yesterday! I have 1 more egg in the incubator ( it has until Monday or Tuesday to hatch and then I will probably toss it).

Only 10 eggs today. Quite a decline from normal.
Silky are in their tractor I have a orange bucket I fitted with nipples they are the only birds that do not drown in it but then they are aliens happily clucking away
15 eggs today. We have a stray cat that my husband has seen coming around. Both of our cats are fixed, so not sure what it is interested in. I am wondering if it had anything to do with the disappearance of the 1 black chick the other day and the disappearance of the yellow chick today. I watched the chick this morning to see if it was going to keep up with momma and the rest and it seemed like she was usually a little delayed in following but otherwise kept up. Oh, well, I will never know what happened so I should quit worrying about it.
I got two eggs from four hens ...

... but they were the first two. I didn't expect eggs for another week or so.

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