How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I always feed the eggs back to the chickens. It doesn't do them any harm. After all, you aren't eating the eggs because of the wormer you are feeding them, so if there are trace amounts of it in the eggs it is just going back to them.
That’s a good point. I hadn’t really thought about that. Anyway I finished their course of dewormer yesterday, so at least I don’t have to chase them around all day anymore.
I got 1 egg today. 😂 :oops:
Right now I only have two hens who are laying. I have three adult hens, but one of them is raising chicks so I'm not getting any eggs from her at the moment. The four baby chicks are only about two weeks old and definitely not laying yet.
The two hens that are laying right now are four years old so their laying has definitely slowed down. I do still get an egg about every or every other day though.

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