How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

If there weren’t enough reasons for me to be happy I’m from the South, that one goes to the top of the list! My hat’s off to you but I want no part of -22F. 🥶

Well, I was not looking for any sympathy, or I would have mentioned that last week we had a few nights down at -35F. So, -22F is an improvement over that. We typically get about a week of cold snap down to -40F around this time of year. So far, only a few nights here and there. Anyway, layers of clothes and we keep our hats on our heads in those temps. I am amazed that the chickens can keep themselves from freezing when it gets this cold. They are all puffed up almost twice their normal size. Nature is wonderful.

Another 1/7 egg day again today. But it looks like another hen is starting to lay because the egg today was different than the egg from yesterday.
Well, I was not looking for any sympathy, or I would have mentioned that last week we had a few nights down at -35F. So, -22F is an improvement over that. We typically get about a week of cold snap down to -40F around this time of year. So far, only a few nights here and there. Anyway, layers of clothes and we keep our hats on our heads in those temps. I am amazed that the chickens can keep themselves from freezing when it gets this cold. They are all puffed up almost twice their normal size. Nature is wonderful.

Another 1/7 egg day again today. But it looks like another hen is starting to lay because the egg today was different than the egg from yesterday.
I’ll remember this the next time my wife wants to give the chickens heat when it gets down in the 20s. The +20s 🤣. If we go down to the teens it’s crippling here.
Well, I was not looking for any sympathy, or I would have mentioned that last week we had a few nights down at -35F. So, -22F is an improvement over that. We typically get about a week of cold snap down to -40F around this time of year. So far, only a few nights here and there. Anyway, layers of clothes and we keep our hats on our heads in those temps. I am amazed that the chickens can keep themselves from freezing when it gets this cold. They are all puffed up almost twice their normal size. Nature is wonderful.

Another 1/7 egg day again today. But it looks like another hen is starting to lay because the egg today was different than the egg from yesterday.
Congratulations :celebrate:wee
Wish I was there.

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