How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Confirmed! It IS flock queen Pauline who's been laying these little fairy eggs in recent weeks. Monday 2/12, after I'd collected all the other eggs, Pauline hunkered down in the favored nest box for a long time, and when she emerged, this little egg was in there by itself. (Elsie's green and Rhonda's brown eggs for comparison.)

I don't know if she'd quit laying for awhile during the shortest days/longest nights, and these are her re-start efforts, or - ??? (When normal-sized, the color is so close to the RIR's and Barred Rock's I can't be sure whose is whose.) It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for her to "size up" again. These little eggs, so far, do have yolks; they're just very petite.

So Monday's tally was six eggs (well, with Pauline's maybe call it 5 1/2 😉) - the 3 Rainbow Girls, Jill the Delaware and Rhonda the RIR.

Today we had 5: Martha's blue, Elsie's green, Jill's pinkish-brown, Xena (Barred Rock) and a big brown (Rhonda again, or Sheila the Black Australorp).
Pauline's fairy egg 2-12-24.jpg
Confirmed! It IS flock queen Pauline who's been laying these little fairy eggs in recent weeks. Monday 2/12, after I'd collected all the other eggs, Pauline hunkered down in the favored nest box for a long time, and when she emerged, this little egg was in there by itself. (Elsie's green and Rhonda's brown eggs for comparison.)

I don't know if she'd quit laying for awhile during the shortest days/longest nights, and these are her re-start efforts, or - ??? (When normal-sized, the color is so close to the RIR's and Barred Rock's I can't be sure whose is whose.) It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for her to "size up" again. These little eggs, so far, do have yolks; they're just very petite.

So Monday's tally was six eggs (well, with Pauline's maybe call it 5 1/2 😉) - the 3 Rainbow Girls, Jill the Delaware and Rhonda the RIR.

Today we had 5: Martha's blue, Elsie's green, Jill's pinkish-brown, Xena (Barred Rock) and a big brown (Rhonda again, or Sheila the Black Australorp).
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You are really lucky. My fairy eggs are the size of a small marble without the yolk. I haven't had any lately but have when one of my hens would first start laying. lol I got two eggs today, my faithful Muscovy and one of my Runners.

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