How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

72 eggs in the last 3 days! Looks like everyone is pretty much laying again
72 huh? And I thought we were doing good!

From the 'layers' pen, we got about 20 eggs today, and from the free-ranging birds we got 12. Not too bad, considering we have a total of about 45 girls of laying age!!

I'm sure there are at least 5 that are laying in the woods, and there are 3 broodies on eggs, and 1 with chicks
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5 eggs out of 12 hens. I'm a little disappointed, but I'm new at this and I really don't know their ages. May have bought some old hens. I hope not, I hope it just they are not used to the place yet. And they might be a little disappointed with me too. Not really knowing what I'm doing. But I'm learning.
Seems like the more good food and healthy treats they get, the more they want to lay! Mine are all doing way better than the Henderson's chicken chart suggests they will lay! I think I got 7 out of 8 who are mature enough to lay today. I always feel like that Star Trekky or whatever that space show is where that blonde lady lives, 7 of 9 or whatever her name is! LOL Wonder if she has hens too?

Anyway, my Barnevelder is true to the chart, VERY sloooow to mature. I think she may start to lay when she hits fifty yrs old... last one to crank up the egg machine anyway and I can't wait for that one and only dark brown egg to FINALLY appear!

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