How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We have 4 out of 9 laying. Today was the first time we have got four eggs in one day.... :weee I think they are finally getting it. Now if the other 5 will start laying that would be nice. One of my EE (the only one out of two that are laying) will sit on her egg until I lift her up off of it and take it. What does that mean? Will she eventually get the point or continue to sit on them? She doesn't get mad at me but I feel bad doing that to her (she is my favorite).:p
2/5 Yesterday and this time the Pullet Bullet layer Maudie, made a nice large egg...maybe trying to compete with the new layer, Janet, who has laid two nice large eggs.
I seem to have afternoon layers so still waiting on today's results.
I am expecting none today since my BA laid anywhere between 5-7pm yesterday. I figure we might see another egg tomorrow morning. Unless of course any of my other 4 girls decides to give me a surprise. One of my BRs comb and wattles are looking more red so you never know!
14/19  Good day.  Got 2 dozen of the previous eggs hard boiled today (actually I don't boil them but they are still considered "hard boiled") and we'll see if my old standard technique helps with getting the shells off eggs this fresh.  I've heard that can be a problem.  Never had an issue peeling the eggs I've baked, but those were always store bought eggs so we'll see when I get after them tomorrow.
what are the directions for baking eggs?
I got 3 eggs from 8 hens and then I went out to lock them up for the night and lo and behold, I got the first egg out of the "Ameraucana cabana" coop pullets! I keep saying that out of the 5 pullets in there, that were sold as Ameraucana pullets, 2 of them are probably Easter eggers (they don,'t have beards or muffs but the other 3 do). Now, I don't think that those 2 will turn out to even be Easter Eggers. Why? Well, this first pullet egg is brown! Not blue. Not green, not even pink, it's brown. Its' color matches the eggs from my BSL & some of my RIR eggs that are in a seperate coop.
But, anyway, I am happy that I finally got an egg from that group of 5, they are about 21 1/2 weeks old.
So, I got 4 eggs out of 9 layers!
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