How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

finally have a pullet laying, which one I have no idea. So 3/4 and 1/13 Brahma and Cochins have two more months of growing to happy though!!!
14/19  Good day.  Got 2 dozen of the previous eggs hard boiled today (actually I don't boil them but they are still considered "hard boiled") and we'll see if my old standard technique helps with getting the shells off eggs this fresh.  I've heard that can be a problem.  Never had an issue peeling the eggs I've baked, but those were always store bought eggs so we'll see when I get after them tomorrow.


I am very interested in hearing not only IF this works, but HOW you did it! I've never heard of baking eggs before, but yes fresh boiled eggs are harder to peel I think. Thank you! :caf
I got 1/5 today but so far 4 haven't started laying yet! Can't wait till they do. It's so exciting, has me checking for eggs probably more than I need to be! Anyway that makes 3 eggs in 4 days that our BA penguin has given us. All a small size but so exciting nonetheless.

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