How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Wishing for spring, 8/23
1/4 I'm curious what is the third number some put up, e.g. 2/3/6 ? Thanks!
2 hens laid an egg today, out of 3 hens which are laying right now, out of 6 hens total.

3 of my hens are not laying right now out of the 6. 2 because they were ill and/or molting and are not yet recovered to the point of laying. 1 stopped laying in November for the winter and has not yet started back up.
The youngest wants Leghorns now too since that's what we ordered last yr and they sent us SLW's. LOL Only a couple though to balance out the egg colors. I am already going to be over run when the weather heats up.
Which reminds I gotta see a lady about some blue eggs soon.

I thought we would have a big demand too, guess not. But yes, AMEN to letting folks grow their own food!!!
LOL......chicken math.............
Thanks everyone for the great egg selling discussion, I loved reading it but don't have the strength to join in. I am worn out from not selling chickens and craigslist buyers......
It's a love hate relationship with Craigslist!

There may not be a huge demand for eggs here, but there is a huge demand for pullets and hens. My email blew up with people answering the ad.

Now I know why I saw a man at the feed store Monday buying 50 red Star chicks. He told me he can't give his eggs away, but started pullets here in chicken town is where the money is. He wasn't kidding, everyone wants the pullets! I've had emails from people 100 miles away in all directions willing to drive for my hens/pullets.

Now for the silly part....I've only found one person worthy of buying my girls. The rest stunk! One lady didn't even have a coop, another had her hens locked in a tiny coop with no outside access, and 4 giant dogs in the yard. Another wanted to "just put them in with the horses"....OY OY OY OY OY!!!

So, I have 2 Leghorns sold, and the same lady is taking 3 of the Easter Eggers tomorrow.

My husband just shakes his head, he said I am to attached to them and not very many people will be good enough to buy them.....

I suppose he is right, I care about their well being, and can't sell them blindly to idiots!

8 brown
3 blue
3 white
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10/27 the ups and downs of egging... the new brood arrives tomorrow, 25 pullets an 1 rooster ? I hope....
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