How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

:eek: Is that from local farmers or from the store as well?
Oh is worse at the store!! I've seen a dozen eggs for almost $8 at the store. Farmers markets, side of the road and Craigslist is $6 here. I currently have 55 chickens but most are meat birds. Once my meaties are gone I'm going to convert thier tractor into a layers retreat and get 10 more layers. Probably leghorns. I'll have 20 layers total. There are six of us in this household and we all love eggs!!! A LOT!!!
Oh is worse at the store!! I've seen a dozen eggs for almost $8 at the store. Farmers markets, side of the road and Craigslist is $6 here. I currently have 55 chickens but most are meat birds. Once my meaties are gone I'm going to convert thier tractor into a layers retreat and get 10 more layers. Probably leghorns. I'll have 20 layers total. There are six of us in this household and we all love eggs!!! A LOT!!!

Wow! You'll definitely be able to satisfy your cravings for eggs with that many layers :)
Thanks everyone for the great egg selling discussion, I loved reading it but don't have the strength to join in.  I am worn out from not selling chickens and craigslist buyers......:th It's a love hate relationship with Craigslist!

There may not be a huge demand for eggs here, but there is a huge demand for pullets and hens.  My email blew up with people answering the ad.  

Now I know why I saw a man at the feed store Monday buying 50 red Star chicks.  He told me he can't give his eggs away, but started pullets here in chicken town is where the money is. He wasn't kidding, everyone wants the pullets!  I've had emails from people 100 miles away in all directions willing to drive for my hens/pullets.  

Now for the silly part....I've only found one person worthy of buying my girls.  The rest stunk!  One lady didn't even have a coop, another had her hens locked in a tiny coop with no outside access, and 4 giant dogs in the yard.  Another wanted to "just put them in with the horses"....OY OY OY OY OY!!!

So, I have 2 Leghorns sold, and the same lady is taking 3 of the Easter Eggers tomorrow.  

My husband just shakes his head, he said I am to attached to them and not very many people will be good enough to buy them.....:tongue
I suppose he is right, I care about their well being, and can't sell them blindly to idiots!

8 brown
3 blue
3 white

Sad that some ppl want them but fail to tend them properly... I'm ashamed at the condition mine are currently in coop wise. We had framework for an 8'x4, coop but it got crushed by a tree during a storm (thankfully before they went into it) and we could only salvage wood for a 4.5'x4'x3'tall coop but we've opened half the yard for ranging... This weekend (weather permitting) we start on the second coop and are installing a 6' tall privacy fence with hardware cloth skirting to keep the critters out...

Cross your fingers... I will be posting pics in the 'post coop pictures' forum as we build it... DIY is so much fun lol...

Btw... Anyone want an evil rooster? He's attacked my 4 year old son this time. My husband says he's just protecting the ladies but IM the one who deals with getting hit every day. My kids can't even come help me feed or gather because of this evil beast... Anyway... My luck, we get rid of him, buy a replacement and that one will be evil as well... :barnie
I'm glad someone asked....I thought maybe that's what it was but good to know for sure. Thanks.

Any time... I've only owned for this past year but I pick these things up fast... :caf

My husband says in a researchaholic lol... He suggested turkey's this year to add to our flock. As well as finding land for a MINI-COW and a few goats!!!!!! I gave him the facts... Now he's thinking just the two turkeys and about 40-50 meat birds.... :smack

Guess who will be tending them... NOT HIM!!!!

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