How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I think I've lost a layer. What do you think?
uh oh, me thinks your right. That tail is looking mighty supicious
uh oh, me thinks your right. That tail is looking mighty supicious
Yup...and those once beautiful, round looking neck feathers are also suspiciously pointy now. There's also a bit of rusty brown coming out on the shoulders and back. Scout, you just never fail to find a way to amuse me. Sorry the pics are blurry, but he hates me and spends every minute I'm out there trying to find how to get away from me. Hard to photograph a moving,head bobbing target.
Yup...and those once beautiful, round looking neck feathers are also suspiciously pointy now. There's also a bit of rusty brown coming out on the shoulders and back. Scout, you just never fail to find a way to amuse me. Sorry the pics are blurry, but he hates me and spends every minute I'm out there trying to find how to get away from me. Hard to photograph a moving,head bobbing target.
Oh goodness, is this Scout? He looked very rooish to me as well. I was also looking at the rust/yellow, especially on the wings. If memory serves me right, yellow/rust on the wings is a roo indicator. What is his breed again? And he is awfully pretty as well, way to colorful for a pullet. But won't we laugh he "he" lays an egg??????

I have a Cream Legbar roo who was given to me last year, he had a super large comb, way bigger than a pullet would have. Imagine my surprise when he laid a pretty blue egg? She looks like a brown leghorn instead of a CL. She is not in the breeding program.....but she is sweet, her name is Bailando (a song by Enrique Iglesias)

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Scout is an Easter Egger/Enigma. <sigh> When he was a baby I thought sure he was a roo - even started saying "he" from day one. It wasn't until a few weeks ago I'd finally let myself say "she" because she looked like a she.....rounded neck feathers, black and white coloring with barely a touch of the yellow - just girly looking. This was Scout a couple of weeks ago.

Scout seems to love short-notice changes. Just like with his feet - left town and they looked amazing, came home 5 days later and they were curled and deformed. This chicken is a challenge - he was always getting into some kind of mischief. Oh, well. Ken said from the time he got hurt that if it turned out he was a roo it didn't matter - his place here was secure. I'm afraid, though, that if you take into account what a coward he is, combined with his misshapen feet, he's not going to do the girls much good. Too cowardly to protect them, too self-centered to "provide" for them, and feet too bad to successfully breed them.
Yup...and those once beautiful, round looking neck feathers are also suspiciously pointy now. There's also a bit of rusty brown coming out on the shoulders and back. Scout, you just never fail to find a way to amuse me. Sorry the pics are blurry, but he hates me and spends every minute I'm out there trying to find how to get away from me. Hard to photograph a moving,head bobbing target.
oh that silly boy.
he is just a world of contradictions,isn't he? Well, since he loves to switch things up, who knows what he will be personality-wise...when the hormones really flare?
6 today
My two silkies haven't laid eggs in a month .. I have small new light green eggs that someone is laying i think its my two grey EE's but the woman i got them from said all 5 hens i got lay regular eggs.. Maybe she was wrong? I get olive, light blue, light green and light pink...
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