How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5/7... Why would one of my eggs be speckled? I've been noticing it latly but it's prominent today... Put me in the mind of those speckled Easter eggs I use to make lol...
Oops... Apologies my lady...
Ok guys... For everyone who is snowbound right now... Grrrrrr at this guy...

We have a joke here in Mobile Alabama..... It goes like this.... Don't like the weather, wait 12 hours.... It will change.....

I'm in shorts and shorts leaves today... Tomorrow I'll look like an Eskimo.... And this is normal.... Last year we had a 45 degree change in 8 hours....
I don't mind a 30-45 degree change unless it is from 20 above zero to 24 below

2 eggs today, I was right, my one EE baby who was checking out the nesting box yesterday started laying again after her recovery from an impacted crop about 3 weeks ago, yey!
Only two more to start laying

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