How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Do you drink coffee? newspaper with print is not good.
I use coffee grounds from a espresso shop.
That was the box that my friend brought them in so I wasn't paying attention and only noticed the half-naked pictures in the background after I posted it. I changed it to puppy pads when we got home. I didn't have time to run and get pine shavings this evening.
I do have quite a bit of coffee grounds saved up (husband cold brews) and they were supposed to go to the rose beds. So it's OK to use it for bedding for the chicks? Do I have to rinse them off extra?
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That was the box that my friend brought them in so I wasn't paying attention and noticed the half-naked pictures in the background until I posted it. I changed it to puppy pads when we got home. I didn't have time to run and get pine shavings this evening.
I do have quite a bit of coffee grounds saved up (husband cold brews) and they were supposed to go to the rose beds. So it's OK to use it for bedding for the chicks? Do I have to rinse them off extra?
I personally use wood shavings- never had any issues with them (other than my allergies - sneezing tends to scare baby chickies 🥰), once they move to the larger pen I use shavings and straw. Gosh they love digging and scratching through straw!
7 today! 6 were in the boxes, and one got laid in front of the gator tire after I let them out for their evening free range time. Couldn’t figure out the guilty lady was, but at least I didn’t drive away and hear a crunch!
Almost stepped on one - lucky I didn’t!
Golf balls or ceramic eggs in the nest, and gather the real eggs frequently. A bent beak is a convincing argument against pecking eggs! 🤣

I got 13 today. I'm so happy my Sapphire Gem pullets and now my Prairie Bluebell Egger pullets are all starting to lay. Well, some of each, at least. The Eggers, who lay beautiful blue eggs, are about three weeks behind the Gems, who lay brown. The Eggers' eggs are still pretty small.

I recently drove down to Alabama and bought 16 (!) lavender EE chicks. Dey so cuuuute! They should start laying in September, I think ...
See, problem with my hen is: she eats eggs that are fertilized. Even if SHE’S broody. So…yes, bent beak WOULD solve the problem, at least for a little bit. But not for every one.
That was the box that my friend brought them in so I wasn't paying attention and only noticed the half-naked pictures in the background after I posted it. I changed it to puppy pads when we got home. I didn't have time to run and get pine shavings this evening.
I do have quite a bit of coffee grounds saved up (husband cold brews) and they were supposed to go to the rose beds. So it's OK to use it for bedding for the chicks? Do I have to rinse them off extra?
I get them in blue garbage bags use then in coops and peeps now.
Smells great nice change.
Now this is my choice.
1 today, but the good news is that the Banties weren’t sitting on it!


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