How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3 …one Golden Comet egg at midday and two Banty eggs this evening.


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Didn’t post yesterday cause we went to a family gathering which was amazing! This afternoon, I went down to give the ladies feed. 16 eggs were in the box with Lua laying on them. I gently pushed her off and she squawked for about 5 minutes at the top of her lungs, the tragedy that she endured. Poor gal! I hung out with them in the run for a little while (which is always good) and checked on the health of Henny. She seemed to be her old self and of course enjoyed some cracked corn and black sunflower seeds. I’ll go back down later tonight and let them out to free range for a while. I just love those girls to death! This is Lua! Not sure who laid this egg, but I’m sure it hurt!

Late entry! One more egg when we went down to free range the ladies! That makes 17 eggs over 2 days. Impressive for 12 girls!


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