How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 13 from 22, but three of those I don't think are actually ready to lay yet. They are Welsummers and are a bit younger than the others.
My Jersey Giant has layed a Jumbo+++ egg going on 6 days in a row. The first one we ate was a double yolker!
Even the little Crested Polish (1 of 2) is layeing the sweetest little poiny ended white eggs. It's funny how pretty they are next to the tan and tan/pinks, terra cotta and lite blue eggs from the others!!
Got to do some bragging here. Egg production has doubled!!!!!

One egg yesterday from Mr Nice Man.

Two eggs today.

One from Mr Nice Man, one from Smokey.

Still waiting on Big Jim Brown, Dumplin, Lite Red, Dark Red, Big Blackie and Little Blackie. Dumplin is a light brahma so I think it's going to be a while for her yet, the Reds and Blackies are a few weeks younger than the other 4 so it may be a few weeks for them too.

My hens still aren't laying...

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