How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Last week I was getting usually 7 to 8 eggs out of my 11 hens and now have not gotten one egg for this last week! I don't know if it's cause of the cold weather or what!
I got 2 !!! YAY!!!!

First time in forever my 2 adult older hens laid for me
Now if only the slacker pullets would get in the groove....I had a chat with them this afternoon. Explained to them that they need to start helping their elders out and pay for the food. Yes they are cute and adorable and well loved...but I want eggs!
Reminded them about how good the turkey from thanksgiving tasted and informed that they would be getting to check out the fancy inside oven ,(erm coop!!!!!!!!!), if they didnt start helping out with the rent!

They didnt believe me tho I don't think .... they came running to be and clucked in their throats at me. I think they may have been laughing
I got three eggs on Sunday... and only one today. I have four chickens, but... one I don't think is laying right now, she is molting and her comb is still very light colored.

They have slowed down laying for the winter.

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