How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

everyday I collect eggs & think I should be posting it here because it's a good way to keep track but I'm always so tired by the end of the day to get online. But..... today I got 8 eggs out of 17 hens 9 of those hens are pullets still & that's what we've been averaging. Some times we get more or a bit less but that's been the average over the past couple weeks and so we've been reall happy.
Well if it's a double yoke then yea I do kinda cout it as 2.
I had a real oddity 2 weeks ago I had a *small pullet egg* & it had a double yoke??? My son had cracked it open to make a fried egg sandwich & he was like thrilled... LOL We couldn't stop talking about it that day & really I should have taken a pic of it.
7! The most I have had for a long time. I had a lot of 1 and 2 days.......I have 11 POL pullets that are just kicking in. I think only 2 laying so far, 9 close behind. whoo hoo
22/35 down one from yesterday, but the weather is so nasty here now I can see why they aren't real enthused about producing. The weather is so crazy one week its in the 60's and few days the low 70's (yeah baby) then the next its back freezing and sleet and rain mix is falling. The ol' gals are just as confused as I am.


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