How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

The past 2 weeks they have not gone past 10 eggs. The month of Feb. 12,13,14 a day was the norm. Break out the turkey fryer
I haven't counted them in while. There is at least 100. They are free range but pretty much everyone is laying in the houses I have caught them trying to lay out. We didn't count them tonight but had 2 ice cream buckets over flowing full. We had 6 turkey eggs. We have 9 hen turkeys and 1 is sitting on 22 eggs that all have babies in them We only had 3 goose eggs though but had 6 goose eggs yesterday we have 13 geese but I think there is only 6 female geese though. We got 3 duck eggs too. We have about 6 laying up by house and there is some wild ducks just hang out too. I was feeding bread to chickens and thought would take pictures.


I think we will count the hens in next few days and I will tell you how many.

I just wanted to show you my turkeys feathers. The white ones have grey to black lines on ends of feathers and darker ones have white lining their feathers. They have palm turkey mixed in with them.
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Sorry about your neighbor's dog attack....I feel your pain... lost 6 of my 10 nice, fat friendly hens that had just started laying to my neighbor's dog earlier this spring.....he gave the dog away finally
(after I caught the dog down here twice more) but the girls did take a few days to get back to laying...they just kept making a weird noise...almost like they were was very strange & very sad...I was fit to be we built an outdoor run and no more free ranging for them! It stinks but I can't let some wandering dog kill anymore of the girls.....Good Luck!

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