How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My RIR are 21 weeks old now and I FINALLY Got 5 out of 6 eggs today. I Am starting to wish I had gotten at least 6 more when I got these chicks.. Maybe more later.. : ) One more Pullet to start laying .. YEAH
5/8 all nice hard shells.....Gertie layed a whopper compared to yesterday's or any of hers so far. She layed the tiniest little eggs at first then one that was much bigger for her but still small compared to other hens.... I cracked it for breakfast last weekend and was surprised to see it was a double yolker!!(as tiny as it was it was big on her scale!) today's egg is about 2-3 times the size of her regular eggs(maybe xlarge size) wondering if it will be another double yolker?
Gertie's today and yesterday egg

Today Haul 5/8 Gertie's is usually the smallest!
not today she layed a whopper!!

(far right going clock wise we have Gertie,Frankie,Betty,Rhody,& Francine)
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7/7 already, so we're done for the day, BUT I dropped one as I was setting them down when I got inside

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