How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/4 from the young. 2 eggs from the old plus something interesting at least for me. When I got home I noticed what looked like egg white hanging out of my Pekins vent. Separated her from the others and gave her CG laced mealworms. She has not layed a solid egg since last summer. A few minutes after she ate the mealworms, out came an egg with everything but the shell. I am wondering if I should feed them some layer feed instead of flock raiser for a little while. Concern for my drake stops me from doing this.
I feed layer pellets to my ducks and drakes (and ducklings!) all the time. They need that extra calcium, they even gulp down additional oyster shells.
can ducks eat all their eggs or should they be limited for their health? mine get all theirs back but i don’t want them to be sick
I'm not sure if that is not too much protein for their kidneys…
About how many eggs for how many ducks and drakes are we talking?
And why don't you eat some of them? They're really good!
I'm not sure if that is not too much protein for their kidneys…
About how many eggs for how many ducks and drakes are we talking?
And why don't you eat some of them? They're really good!
i have 2 girls and 3 boys, and both my girls lay an egg a day everyday (even through winter)

i don’t want the eggs, we originally had just drakes so no eggs but then last spring i got two more hoping they were boys but ended up with two girls and i just can’t rehome them

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