How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 7 today. I needed to share my tiny little egg. One of my runners has started to lay, an it is just the cutest little egg. It looks small next to one of my smaller duck eggs 😆.

I can’t find my usual Daphne update thread in my basement of posts and threads, but wanted to just make a note here somewhere that Daphne is having a repro issue flare up (straining, soft-shellled eggs) so I have the date recorded. Usually, the mid-summer flare is not nearly as serious as the fall crisis, so I’m hoping all will be well with a ‘lil additional calcium. She’s already better than last night, so we’ll see! Keep on keeping on, Daphne!

Everyone else has been laying daily (when not broody) without issues.
1.3 eggs a day from 7 ducks For the last 3 weeks. My wife had to do the walk of shame to have enough eggs for Christmas Lunch.
We had some from a friend who provided a tray of 30 from a pantry surplus. Runny. Luckily we used them for holiday cooking other than egg dishes (and for our porch cats). Shame indeed. We have 200+ hens to boot. The barn was pealing with the the resounding laughter of too many roosters....
1.3 eggs a day from 7 ducks For the last 3 weeks. My wife had to do the walk of shame to have enough eggs for Christmas Lunch.
Still, 3 out of 7 laying is not bad!

This thread popping back up made me take a peek at my “first egg” photos from past years to see when I shall be expecting them. Last year, the first egg was found on February 8th, but that was from either Matilda or Puddles. Puddles is no longer with us and Tildy is a year older. I’d say I still have at least 2 months of store-bought eggs in my future, at which point Tildy will jump in and start to contribute 1 egg per day until her slacker sisters start to lay starting maybe the last week in March or beginning of April.

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