How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Protein rich food - definitely!
I may be underestimating that factor just a bit.
Bizarre thing about the injured duck was that it was barely eating for the first few days. Maybe the injury did have an influence on egg production?
Daisy laid an egg Thursday for four in a row. She's eating like a mad woman now!
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For the first time since early January there are three eggs!

As far as I know she is. The three older ducks go through a lot of shell . The four younger ones spill much more than they eat. I need a heavier bowl for them.
I have screwed a 4" PVC pipe with a 90° and a 45° elbow to one of the posts and use it for the OYS. I just need a lid for the top.
I see the pine pellets in the nest... how does that work for you? Cleaner eggs? Smell?
That’s actually the food carry bucket, but I use the pellets in the coop I like them. Less smell than pine flakes and usually I can rake off the top layer and pellets underneath are fine. Usually have to do a full charge every few months and a partial every month if I keep up on it and no extra water gets in some how

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