How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 out of 6 chickens today! I was starting to get worried, because for a while I knew some of my chickens weren't laying, (I was starting to suspect egg bound or laying internally) but they weren't acting strange or anything, but now I know that they are all laying, because the one that didn't lay today (Kiki, our Cuckoo Marans) laid yesterday (she lays medium dark brown eggs, the rest of our hens lay different colors)
6 eggs plus one without a shell from Quackers. I might try giving her some more CG this weekend. Even though she seems happy and healthy, I am more worried about her health than getting that 7th egg every day.
Have you ever seen her eating oyster-shells? - I vaguely remember my aunt had a chicken that was »too dumb« (sic!) to eat from the calcium supply and always laid soft-shelled or shell-less eggs. - Poor bird ended in a hot »bath« with plenty of spices and vegetables…
Molting causes up to12 week hiatus from laying.
Is that 12 weeks of time off from the beginning of feather loss, from the time when they are fully re-feathered, or something else? My girls started molting in early December and those two seemed fully re-feathered by early-to-mid January. But still no eggs. (They turned two years old yesterday so that was their first big molt.)
Is that 12 weeks of time off from the beginning of feather loss, from the time when they are fully re-feathered, or something else? My girls started molting in early December and those two seemed fully re-feathered by early-to-mid January. But still no eggs. (They turned two years old yesterday so that was their first big molt.)
Usually 12 weeks from beginning of molt. I've had some take 4 and some take 5 months. It just depends on the duck. 12 weeks is just a rule of thumb.

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