How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

All five runners have laid; it's too early for the lazy chickens to begin production.

One of the eggs has a faint greenish cast and. no doubt, the same girl laid a more green egg last week. These eggs aren't as green as the ones laid by Quinn, my original runner hen who died over the winter.

But, it's almost like one of the younger girls is offering a tribute to her. It makes me smile.
I've never had Cayugas, but I LOVE runners!!
I know I have said it before on here. While researching ducks before we got any, I saw still pictures of runners and thought I would never get any of those. Our original brood of ducklings was TSC roulette . Bandit totally changed my mind about runners.
I’m just shrugging my shoulders at this point. Mine have ramped up their “secret nest building” skills 100%. Will I find zero, or will I find ten? :idunnoThere was a hidden nest under a half bale of hay one day, and another under a turned over Rubbermaid box another.

Also, despite barely having confirmation that both ’Scovies have started laying for the season, they are both “peribroody” already.

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