Nov 26, 2015 #1 Qualara Chirping Sep 3, 2015 180 8 53 Australia I have 10 quails, 5 male 5 female. The boys keep trying to kill one another, they have plenty food, water and grass to wonder on, but I just keep getting blood. How many males should I have with 5 females?
I have 10 quails, 5 male 5 female. The boys keep trying to kill one another, they have plenty food, water and grass to wonder on, but I just keep getting blood. How many males should I have with 5 females?
Nov 26, 2015 #2 Lozuufy Returning to the addiction 11 Years May 20, 2012 1,787 286 291 Massachusetts I think 1 male per 5 females is the ratio for coturnix quail, are they coturnix or something else?
Nov 26, 2015 Thread starter #3 Qualara Chirping Sep 3, 2015 180 8 53 Australia Yeah they are. Oh darn... I have to find homes for my other babies. Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
Nov 27, 2015 #4 xalogan Hatching Nov 25, 2015 5 0 7 Yea, you could get by with having 2 males in that group but the smaller one would be a bit bullied. 1 male per 3-5 females is ideal.
Yea, you could get by with having 2 males in that group but the smaller one would be a bit bullied. 1 male per 3-5 females is ideal.