How many of y'all actually remember maths you learned in High School??

I still remember all the math I learned in high school.

It's easy to do because I didn't learn any.
I took basic math in public school.When I went to college I had to learn algebra and other things to get through accounting,biology,chemistry,and financial management.It was tough. Now when I help the kids I again have to re-learn many areas in math. My mom and dh they are soooooo good at math.In seconds they can figure things out in their head.I told them to teach the kids they way THEY learned math over in their countries.
I hear you. Apparently now there's also this "Cosecant, Secant and Cotangent".... Whaa?
I took basic math in high school. Was to math stupid for anything else. I failed pre-algebra... twice. DS is a junior this year. He is in advanced placement calculus. He musta gotten DH's math genes...
This is the actual response that my brain said when I read the title of this thread:

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! Oh, and


Just sayin'.
I remember the math I took in high school, heck, I remember the 'Tippy Triangle' we memorized for French class in 6th grade.

What helped me in my career the most, though, was Algebra and Logic.

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