How Many of You have Friendly Roos and...

We have an EE roo named Owl who is sneaky and always gets me when my back is turned. Now he goes after everyone who comes into the barn area, but not while they are looking. He is the biggest chicken (wimp) ever. I have chased him and held him as therapy and even wacked him with the broom but nothing stops him. Our other Roo, Hairy, is a silkie and whenever Owl is going after me, Hairy defends me.
Owl is going on a one way trip to the chicken auction tonite!!! He's pretty big and would make a nice dinner!
I am hoping that one of my chicks is a nice roo so I can replace Owl.
Roo Dude is a buff orpington and he is just 20 weeks old. He is friendly and runs to greet me but keeps his distance when I want to pet him. He is young yet but huge and I have had no trouble with him except pouting when I ran at him once. My bad not his.


Hawkeye, 2 yr old Barred Plymouth Rock; would rather not be picked up, but he'll let me. He likes to show me things to eat on the ground, talks to me when I hold him, looks me straight in the eye and just makes my heart melt. He doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body toward humans. He does spar with Suede through the fence, but pretty much just ignores Scout, like he thinks he's no competition at all, LOL.

Suede, 1 yr old Blue Orpington Naturally, doesn't like to be picked up, heck he's pretty hefty anyway, but once I have him, he's very sweet and fell asleep in my lap when we had to tend to a foot he hurt. Likes me to hand feed him. Very sweet and non aggressive toward people.

Scout, 9 month old Ameraucana Again, hates to be picked up, follows me around, comes to his name being called. Unless I get above him to pick him up, he will on occasion try to bite me when I reach for him. He's more hyper than the other two, more inclined to not let you mess with his girls much. Suede and Hawkeye don't care-they know we won't hurt their women. I do on occasion pick him up and love on him, just to remind him that I can.
I have toooo many(read as looking for a good home), but they all seem to know thier pecking order, and seem to get along, never went after me or kids. If there is trouble between roos it is the bantam cochin(mix) who has "little man syndrome" doing his dance around the girls, occassionally a different roo will step in, and he runs to other side of yard and starts the strut like it was his idea to leave the area. But usually he gets chased off by the can you be scared of a roo called baby roo???
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My buff orp bantam is pretty nice. He has never acted aggressive to me or my 6 y.o. son. He will cluck and stand up tall whenever my cat comes too close though. He doesn't eat out of my hand but then again I didn't raise him, nor have I had him very long. He will show the ladies where the food is and let them eat first. I have even caught him preening his buff orp bantam hen who has been paired with it for a long time. Oh and he almost never crows! A few times in the morning and that is about it. I have heard him crow maybe 3 times in the afternoon.

Edited to add age. I was told he is about 2 years old. I don't know if spurs are any indication of what age they are but my guys are pretty big.
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I have a 5 month old Polish Rooster that is so far very much a gentleman, he doesn't like to be picked up but will hold still once I catch him, he's just learning how to do his "manly" duty but the girls all tell him no and he listens to them, he doesn't push it. He is doing everything he is supposed to be doing and hasn't shown any aggression yet.
Kip the black Bantam Cochin isn't nicknamed "Angry Black Cock" for nothin'. We also call him "Three Pounds of Anger". Look in his eyes. You can tell he has intent to kill!

Then there is Hotwing the BLRW, who we call "Sissy La La" (sorry Cyn!). He is very sweet, but you have to be quick because this sucker has long legs and he runs FAST!

And then there is Drumstick... who was crowing at a month old. He is so sweet!! He loves to talk and coo at me. I love him so much but he will be going to my dad's house to man the crazy Barred Rock sisters when he's old enough. I will miss giving him "rooster kisses"!

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