How many people have had chickens stolen by two legged predator ?

YES , I went outside to feed and water them . at the time , we had them in cages while DH was arranging to build them a coop and run . I watered them 1st. then went inside the house to make a single phone call . I came back out and neighbor behind us was screaming at me that 5 boys were stealing chicks from my cages .

The son came and showed me where the boys lived and I found 6 of my chicks in cage in their back yard .

Police were called and oldest was arrested and we are waiting for court date .

That was not their 1st. time of entering my property and actually they continue to do so . So , its a constant watch . We now have large coop and run with gates and locks .
I have not had chickens stolen but I have had eggs stolen.
The neighbor told me she had seen two boys from down the road jump my fence and then when they left it appeard to her they were carrying something in their shirts.
I thought it was strange that day I only had a half dozen eggs when I collected.

What really aggrevated me was I have and would continue to GIVE them eggs if they just asked.

They did this several times. I did confront the mom once and was nice about it, the second time I told the mom that the neighbor would call the police the next time they were seen on my property and that I would press charges for tresspassing and theft if caught with eggs in their possession.
I also told her if I caught them that I would "sit" on them until the police arrived. I have not had the problem since.
I would not want to be held resposible for my actions if I caught someone doing that...I would gladly give what I could to people, just don't TAKE it from me. Them's fightin' words, partner!
I sure hope that I don't have to keep a watch on my garden. I hope they choose the zucchini!

I am so sorry to hear about everyone's loss. Some have had really big losses. I only had four Red Cochin Bantam's. But the kids raised them from chicks and boy, do they miss them. We have replacement Australorps, and have increased security, so hopefully this will be a one time thing.
HorseJody you're only a little ways down the road from us. Probably won't come your way as it was more than likely someone in town.
I'm so sorry to hear of everyone's losses and thank you for caring about ours as well!!
I definitely worry about this after having a goat stolen from my barn earlier this year. The goat was located and charges were filed, and I have since really increased the security in and around all my barns and home. Including barn cams and hidden cams that can catch them red-handed on video! Hopefully though it's just peace of mind and nothing is stolen ever again. Some people can be SO low, it's such a shame.
Man Ya'll must be way "nicer" than my rep lol

Its well know around here if you come any closer than
the fog line you'll be met with a shotgun carryin mad man lol
and that goes for friends also...u r either invited or ya call
before you come!!

Any thing else is "splain" time....
Does cause a problem from
time to time with the PO Man or UPS even the electric meter
reader but they all learn if the gate is close come back later

So in answer to chicken stolen NOPE not here

I suppose I should add in "defence"of my hard line
I have the wonderful privilege of living within 10 miles
of 5 (yep 5) jails\\prisons\\and such that house the not
so nice among us
heck it’s only bean a couple of year
since I had some one hiding in the row of trees that I had to
keep at gunpoint until the state police arrived and low
and behold when searched they found a 45 in his waist
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Well that method works well too! I'm certainly not beyond it, if I can remember the combination to my hubby's gun safe to get mine out! All locked up because of the kiddies. But it's when I'm NOT home that the other solutions are nice.

I could understand all this if it was done by people that were starving...


I think I am going to tighten my little operation up before I have to deal with this...

[Electric fence and coyote traps]

Of course if I'm home and notice, I much prefer the shotgun approach myself...

if you come any closer than
the fog line you'll be met with a shotgun carryin mad man

I'm with you partner... No jails close by but people should respect other people's property...
you guys the truthe aboute it is is that alot of these people like to steal them for the same reasons you keep them im not rasist at all but it seems that all the qwatamalins were i live love them becase they eat em and they lay eggs just like we do all i can say is im not the tipe of person that would be looking over my shoulder and stuff but look at the people you let in your yard for example the cable guy, or electric company, pool man,or even one of your freinds frend all i can say is i live in a ruff naberhood and you need to make your chicken coop like you were hiding gold in there if you get what im sayin like when you see that liitle crack by the door dont think to yourself well it will be alright what are the chances you know and thats all it takes for a dirty theif to come in and take all your hens im srry for what happens but heed my advisse im telling you this is how it works;)

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