How many really wash eggs just before use?

Well ACTUALLY those that were intollerant to products such as Lactose, Glutton, Peanuts, etc..... were lost as babies unexplained child death was chalked up to it was meant to be, and if you had a grandmother like mine, and probably Casey3043's there was something WRONG with a child that didn't eat everything placed in front of them.

Wouldn't this world be a better place without all these allergic reactions being treated??
Well, then my kids are going to be just fine. They are always playing in the dirt, and when they were little, they always had dirt around their mouths. And my son and I eat veggies while in the garden too.

I do rinse my eggs off right before using them. But I do admit, a few have slipped through unwashed. Either way, I'm not too worried about it. My eggs are clean, except the occasional one with blood on it. (which are wiped with a wet paper towel before they go in the fridge.
I'm with the rest...I wash if they get really icky. I clean the nesting boxes pretty much every morning (scoop out any poop and put in fresh litter). As long as I keep the boxes clean, I get clean eggs that need no washing. Well, unless it is very rainy and muddy...that's another story! In any case I'd still not wash until just before using. That is the recommendation since washing destroys the protective layer.
As I do sell most of my eggs, I have a designated "egg" brush hanging up by my kitchen sink. I use it dry to brush off any clinging shavings from the nest box and under running water to get off the big blob of poo that one of my hens insists on leaving behind in the nest box after she lays her egg. Sometimes she misses all of the eggs, most times she manages to get at least a part of one and sometimes she gets several in one poop-plop.
I think she needs to visit the chicken-whisperer...anybody got that phone number handy?
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Haven't washed the first seven from our first laying week (
), and don't plan to wash the next 1007 either!

I think too, as others have alluded to, that there is a little too much dirt-phobia in our society.

I like my germs!
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