How many really wash eggs just before use?

Well, i think survey says it's a personal preference but, i'll throw in my 2 cents. I've been eating unwashed eggs and garden fresh veggies for over 60yrs and no problems yet. I alway keep the nests fresh with new straw, though.
no - i do not wash the ones i use, and only wipe the noticable dirt from the ones i trade with others for produce or bread.
BTW - my preferance when i get hatching eggs is that they not be washed off either, IMO it effects the natural flora of the eggs hatching.
The Gotfeather wrote:
Oh thank you Casey3043, if we had more of you and your 92 year old mother's approach I wouldn't be dealing with so many children with special dietary needs.

How do people think the human race actually survived until now? Have we been washing eggs and vegatables since the beginning of time?

Then Marlinchaser wrote

Well ACTUALLY those that were intollerant to products such as Lactose, Glutton, Peanuts, etc..... were lost as babies unexplained child death was chalked up to it was meant to be, and if you had a grandmother like mine, and probably Casey3043's there was something WRONG with a child that didn't eat everything placed in front of them.

Wouldn't this world be a better place without all these allergic reactions being treated??

You are possibly right there Marlinchaser, I have a 9 year old boy with Cerebral Palsy that would possibly have been a Shaman for a native tribe somewhere because he doesn't have full use of his right hand.

There is current research within Australian child health that is exploring the possibility that restricting the early exposure of a variety of foods to infants can lead to various allergies. All 5 of our children have pretty much eaten what the adults do right from when they first started solid food. No allergies to report yet.

My almost 3 year old(my profile pic) absolutely loves musssels in red wine sauce (Moules Marinieres), she has as many mussels as my wife and I do.

However, the serious issue with egg hygiene is when there is the slightest crack in the eggshell. Unfortunately this is where eggs get their bad rep from. To use eggs commercially now in Australia you need a special license/permit. Our local soccer club can no longer do egg and bacon burgers because it is not feasible with the new restrictions. All because a Tas company were slack with their egg handling practices and quite a few people became sick as a result.
I only wash mine if they are visibly dirty or have poop on them. Especially if I'm giving them away to my city friends. They would freak out if they ever saw poop on an egg. I'm starting to think that some of these city folk have no idea where eggs really come from!
I haven't been washing my eggs, and keeping them on the counter. However, I have several that were collected with muddy hands. Now, the eggs are dirty. I'd like to wash them before bringing them to work to sell. But, must they be refrigerated after I wash them?
We only wash eggs when they are dirty.This is un-normal, but a couple days ago I got an egg from my EE that seemed to be covered in dried yolk. When washed, the egg was multicolored, so imagine dipping an egg in blue dye, pulling some of the egg out so one end is a little darker, then do the same thing again to make a third layer.It is a really cool affect.I need a picture!!!!
I used to have a roo that slept in the nesting area, so some of them got pretty dirty. NOW I'm getting nice clean eggs though, and the situation should only improve when I move them into their bigger house with more segregated nesting boxes.

I just rinse off and rub away any poop/dirt right before I crack them.

It freaks my mom out that I have dirty eggs in my egg cartons.
We know where they come from don't we. Anyone eat chicken poo lately?

I always wash and dry with a paper towel before they go into the carton.
I rarely ever wash eggs, only if they are really dirty. I use a "sterile technique" for cracking them, when possible but don't worry too much about it. I think those pourous (sp?)egg shells should NOT be washed until right before use, no matter what. I keep my nest boxes as clean as possilbe though. For those washing eggs when collected, I think you should then treat them like store-bought eggs and make sure they are cooked through before eating. HenZ

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