How many roos to hens?


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Central Ohio
I swear I have seen this discussed, but darned if I can find it...What's a good number of roosters to hens? Mixed flock, mostly free range. I'm thinking I want to start with 10-15 birds total, so how many can be boys?
Are you wanting to hatch chicks? If so like 2 Roosters would be plenty. If not none are necessary. Hens do not need Roostes to lay eggs. Unless you are wanting chicks or to hear them doodle then its up to you! If you are going to free range then I would have 1 big rooster to watch over his flock!


My problem is I bought chicks from ATWOODS and they were straight run. So now I have 8 roosters and 13 hens. They were fine when they were young but they (the older ones) are getting a little fiesty. I build a 8x12 coop and divided it up by 4 areas and 4 runs. But still I am not sure. I think I will have to find homes for a few roosters. Or let them be free range. I hope to get more HENS. That really was not a good way to buy chicks but it was my first time and I ended up with so many different breeds.
I wouldnt mind some chicks, and I do want at least one rooster. I just didnt want fighting or the hens to be harrassed. I hear roos can be quite pesky that way. Also, I'm probably going to wind up buying a group of adults rather than chicks and I've seen several that have more than one roo, and I didnt really want to get stuff I have to rehome.
In my experience, the chicks that I have raised together will do fine together. Now if you were to introduce a new rooster into a flock with a rooster in it they would probably fight till the death.

Ok, so I think I will try to just have one roo, but if I get an established flock that has two and they seem to do fine that way, I will keep that arrangement. No adding roosters. No problem.
Thanks guys and gals! I am going to have to divide them up and possibly rehome a few. Will ask Arkansas BYC peeps that live close by if they will like them for free first. I would post pics but I don't seem to be authorized yet.
I have two with 9 breeding age hens (two of which are broody) and a bunch of chicks. No problems, no torn up backs, no fights. One will try to knock another off a hen, is the only squabble. It really depends on the roos. If you are going to free range you might want to see how it goes with two or even three -- because if the roo really has to defend his girls, he is likely to lose his life. That's why I kept two, and they only free range a day or two a week.

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