How many threads have you killed today?

None today, but I have quite a death toll from the past 2 or 3 weeks.

Whenever I post, threads seem to do one of three things:

Die - the second most common result.

Go way off topic - the most common.

Go way off topic, and then get locked because somebody got too excited - the rarest. It should tell you something, though, that this is not unusual.
Only this one on BYC so far today. Then again I haven't been posting much as of late.

Another site I've been on..........uuuummmmmmm 12? 13? lost track
LoL I was just pondering this age old question yesterday... is it just me? am I the only one? no has to happen to other people too... ? then why am I the last one to post on so many threads...

Thought I was getting paranoid there, glad it's not just me...
Ok I'm really new here but had to reply to that last post, made me laugh out loud...

Maybe you're not killing threads they are just dying a natural death? Once the question has been answered?

And are you guys talking just about this website or others?

And another question: How does one insert those d*#m smiley things?

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