how many weeks does it take for standards to get all there feathers


15 Years
Jul 3, 2008
My BSL's went outside 24/7 at three weeks. Two weeks later and doing fine.

Mine must not be fully feathered, but they have a lot of feathers.
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Mine went out at 3 weeks with only wing, tail and chest feathers but they went with the broody hen. At four weeks they still sleep under her which is hilarious because they are large breed and she is a silkie/cochin x so she is a medium size chicken. Those 2 chicks at 4 weeks are about 1/2 as big as she is. It looks like she is riding them. Very funny!
Hi All,

Since most of you are down south ... what are your temperatures like ... during the day and night?

I've read that temperatures should be no less than 65 degrees. I've got 40 degree nights still in Vermont and concerned that I still need to wait. Or is having a 250 heat lamp OK with 40 degree nights?


At a week old I took the corral, lamp and water outside and sit and read while they scratch around in the grass. I only leave them out for an hour or two though and you have to watch them b/c they are still helpless against predators.
You did not say how old yours are, but they should be fine with a heat lamp at 40 degrees. Might want to have two in case a bulb burns out.

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