How many wine makers do we have here?

Basicly, what I did was boil water and dissolved the sugar in the water. Once the water cools I mix the water sugar syrup into the wine. I dont try to speed up the fermentation, if yeast is present, it will startup on its on. It might and probably will be slow to start when you are adding sugar in increments simply because the alcohol in the wine will slow the yeast multiplying. Thats just my assumption based on the inhibiting factor, (alcohol), dont know if I read that somewhere or not. I am sure one could add some extra nutrients, maybe some extra yeast, whatever, and speed it up, but I dont drink that much and just aint in no hurry to get it made.
Our Peach wine is really strong ! He He!!!!!!!! The beer needs longer though! Hope it will be ok for new year!!!!

Racking my Apfelwein today. Adding cinnamon sticks, fresh ginger and a little allspice.

I know it's not wine, but it does has to do with fermentation so I'm also making some Kombucha.

Happy New Years!
Well, the parsnip is slowing down, so should be ready for racking in another week I think.

I have a bunch of persimmons in the freezer right now, so after racking the parsnip i shall be making persimmons wine. Has anyone tried it? I tested the sugar, and it was at 18 brix! I think I may go short on the fruit (due to the pucker power of persimmons, maybe add some oranges for a bit of acid) and long on sugar.

The peach and nectarine aren't dropping out like I hoped, so am going to have to try fining. Or, filtering. The problem with filtering is that it oxidizes too, which I don't want. Now hang on, I'm a chicken owner, use egg whites
OK -
Hay guys can we go back throu this thread and check to see who has made it back to the BYC coop and who has not??????? - Older hens and roos may have trouble getting their heads round the new site and we all need to be minful off the missing. Can we all make a special effort to go through and contact those folk who have not posted since the change and offer help to find their way back thanx!

I'm here!
The new forum is taking a bit getting used to, but I am slowly finding everything and it really isn't that bad.

I have some hard cider clearing in the secondary carboy. I started it Thanksgiving weekend and racked it to the secondary Christmas week. It is starting to clear nicely now. We will be bottling it in beer bottles with some priming sugar to add carbonation.
I'm still here!

I've been quiet since we don't have anything going on right now except the watermelon wine, which we need to get racked off into another carboy! Just waiting for hubby to have time off so he can lift the 5g jug up to the counter.

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