How many would fit?


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
How many chickens would fit in these coops:.

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I would say that you should be able to have 4 hens in that set up. With more birds you will have a lot of problems with being able to keep your birds clean.
Use the standard 4 sqft per bird in the coop and 10 sqft per bird in the run. Those are general guidelines, and do not take into account individual situations. Be that as it may, if you use those guidelines as a "rule of thumb" you should be okay and have happy chooks.
These would be in the coop/run most of the time, not free-ranging?

The first coop has 12 sq ft indoors and about 62 sq ft of run. If you (sigh) go with the popular fad here of 4 sq ft apiece indoors and 8-10 outdoors, that would mean 3 chickens. (the run is big enough to give 6 chickens 10 sq ft apiece, BUT then they'd only have 2 sq ft apiece indoors and AFAIK Missouri gets enough prolonged yucky weather that I think you'd run into problems that way)

The second coop has 9 sq ft indoors and about 32 sq ft of run. Again if you (sigh) use the stocking densities that are popular on this forum, that would mean 2 chickens, or possibly a third if you squish them into only 3 sq ft apiece indoors.

Personally I wouldn't want to use either of the coops for anything other than maybe a crippled chicken who had to live permanently isolated, or if it were a teensy urban backyard where there simply *wasn't* more space available.

JMHO, good luck, have fun,

The chickens would be "free ranging" durning most of the day in our large fenced in yard.

My husband is building me a coop & run and Im trying to get ideas for him to build.
I currently have 3(large) hens, but am looking to add a few more (hopefully)
If they will free range most of the day every day, I would suggest not "wasting" too much money on a large run, but rather concentrate on a larger indoor coop. Anyhow it is real easy to add more/bigger run later if your needs change; whereas making the *coop* bigger is at best a giant pain in the butt.

The more indoor space they have, the better, from pretty much any perspective.

I'd suggest considering a small, simple shed design?

Good luck, have fun,

We live in town, so we have to build something that looks nice. They wont be allowed to free range everyday, so I would like for them to have a decent size run.

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