how many


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
ipswich massachusetts
how many baby chicks can you get at once?
It all depends on what the hatchery has available. Most hatcheries do have a box that hold 100 chicks, so it is theoretically possible to order as many boxes of 100 as you want. The only limitation is how many chicks the hatchery actually has available at this time of year. The standard box sizes are 25, 50, and 100, I believe, although a few hatcheries will sell fewer than 25. My suggestion would be to call the hatchery and see what they have available and when they'll have them.

As many as you want (most the min order is 25, some companys you can just get a few)!!! And you know you want like 500 !!!!

Good luck !!
Or is this a challenge like how many ___s can you fit in your mouth at once?

I'm a wuss. I don't think I could handle anywhere near 100. Maybe 25 max. Not that my husband would be thrilled.

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