How much DE to add to feed?

Your Welcome!

I've turned into a DE junkie. LOL I mix in all our animals' feed, take it myself, am using it as a whitewash, even turned our landlady on to it since she had a mite problem back on her farm. I love the stuff!

earth nut-

It really helped one of my dogs....who happens to be allergic to rice of all things.....over 10 years of vets not being able to help with his reactions and eating issues....I started DE and he got much better. The vet still doesn't believe me.
OF course now he's an almost 14 year old LAB---his blood work is as good as young dogs and his only real problem is pain management from his joints giving out (he had hip displaysa since puppyhood---so its amazing he's made it this far).

I mix 1 TBSP in with their dog food....I do know of people who started with puppies and they just leave it out free choice, but I haven't gone that route...yet.

I"ve also not had to worm my cats since putting it in their food! they go to another vet (long story)...but they can't believe that their fecals are always negative and that I don't use commercial wormers. Of course they're not ready to recommend it to anyone....I think they think I 'm lying- but I know the truth.

Can any one tell me where in WV I can buy the correct Food Grade DE (Diatomaceous Earth) ? We have Lowes, Home Depot, TSC, Walmart Ect... But, Im not sue if what they have wouold be the right one.
Yup...DE everytime...(exept when I run out)...OH and good news...I just found a local source!!! YIPPEE>.. 50# for $18 which is what I used to spend JUST on Shipping!

May I ask why you put it in the water?

Also... I sprinkle it in my coop, nest boxes, and their favorite dusting areas.


so envious of your good deal! we pay @$30 for 40 pounds...

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