how much do you charge for your eggs?

I sell every egg we don't use at work and my co-workers jump all over themselves to pay $3.00/dozen. We have 19 Gold Comets all about a year old or less now and they've been laying their hearts out all winter. We've been averaging 17 or 18 eggs a day since November. Great layers, them Gold Comets!!! Gotta love 'em.
Well here in the Roaring Fork Valley in Western Colorado (the area north and west of Aspen, Colorado, two outfits that sell true free-range organic eggs are getting $7 dozen. And then there are some homegrown but not really free range, not pastured on grass, eggs for $4.50 dozen. I don't know where you guys are, but I would sure love free range eggs at the low prices you're selling for.
Things are tough for people around here, my wife gives away our eggs in exchange for newspapers that I use for shipping. Considering the cost of packing materials it works out OK. It takes about 4 local papers at .50 each to ship a box of eggs, a weeks worth of papers is worth about $3.00. I was buying shipping paper at $10 for 125 sheets, and could only ship 2 or 4 box. It all works out, we are recycling, and helping out those who need it, even though a couple dozen eggs for a family is not much, every little bit helps. We also trade eggs for produce discards from the store. The rest are fed back to the chickens and to the dogs. I feed a egg each to each of our 3 dogs.
$3.00 a dozen. I dropped it from $4 when my pullets started laying this fall. With my usage and my few regular buyers, I have a running 5 or 6 dozen in the fridge. Times are tough and thats cheap for around here.
I have 11 hens ( 9 pure breedwhite Wandottes 1 hen i have no idea the breed and 1 older black hen) Also a pure white 7 month old wyandotte Rooster. I have been getting between 3-4 to even 6 a day. Some hens are still to young to lay, the oldest of the Wandottes are 6 months. How many eggs do you get a day? Fresher they are the more $$ so to have eggs less than 3 days old you are doing very good.

Selling eggs for the past 3 months at 3.00 a dozen (25 cents a egg). Some people I sell to are more of a nicer people or have done favors for me in the past and i give them a dozen eggs for 2.50. Not THAT much of a drop but enough to keep them coming back. I also offer to people 8 eggs for 2.50 (2.00 for friends).

Hope this helps

I have folks around me on CL selling them for $1 to a $1.50dz. Right now it takes me almost 2 days to get a dozen until my girls get laying good again. How am I supposed to make money or break even at that price? One guy had the nerve to tell me it was because of the economy he reckoned. Pfffhhh!!! Tell that to the chickens and the feed store bill !!!!!!!!!
I charge $2.50 for a dozen standard eggs, and $2.00 bantam eggs. I used to have them cheaper, but the feed is SO HIGH!!! And my Blue EE hen started laying so I dunno what to charge for her eggs. They are really special to me so I dunno if I'm gonna sale any of her eggs or not.

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