how much do you charge for your eggs?

This is so interesting. Being new to chickens and the farm life, I was wondering about so many things regarding egg selling. Seems like most of my questions have been answered. We sell, barter, and give away our eggs. We have standing orders for about 6 dozen per week, and these customers pay according to what they want to pay--we don't set a price, just say pay what you can (or want). It averages out to $3.00/doz. We barter eggs for egg cartons--two customers bring in stacks of egg cartons every couple of weeks, and they get free eggs. A new farmer friend is part of a co=op market and they take my eggs sometimes if I have extras. They sell them for $3.00 and I get $2.50. Also occasionally take my duck eggs for $6.00/doz (but this is still hit or miss). Would like to get a source for duck eggs.

We give extra eggs to the Sharing Center which is a place for homeless and very poor people to get free a hot meal once a day. This place is wonderful. They cook a hot meal 365 days a year and offer other services such as help with medicines, and temporary shelter. It certainly feels good to go there and see the kitchen filled with people enjoying a good meal.

We are adding 8 more hens to our flock and want to start a more organized egg selling venture. I'm trying to come up with unique ideas for egg selling/marketing. Anyone have any creative ways in selling eggs? Like, include egg recipes with a doz. eggs..... or nutrition facts about eggs. Once in a while, I'll find cute baskets at thrift stores for 5 cents each. Sometimes I put a dozen eggs in the baskets and offer for sale. People really like this. Just finding really cheap baskets is the key.....

That's why I don't sell eggs for any amount; nor will I ship them. I give them to anyone who wants them for hatching, but THEY have to come get them, and if they're free, I don't have to listen/read to/about any possible complaints.
i sell eggs and baked goods at a local farmers market in Eastern IA. I get $3.50 a dozen, and could sell about 10-12 dozen more than I have each week. I hand out a copied page from Mother Earth News or Grit (bad memory) that tells what Free Range, Cage Free ect really mean by FDA standards when it comes to eggs. I am also working on "My Chook Book" with pics of my chickens and eggs so custoomers can see how they are being raised.

I'm hatching eggs as fast as I can, trying to get ready for the markets demands come Spring.

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