how much do you charge for your eggs?

I usually just give excess eggs to my father-in-law but now my kids want to start selling to neighbors. My concern is the occasional bloody or spotty egg. How do the guys that sell to the grocery stores know which eggs to toss? Is it because of the breeds I have? I don't want to gross out potential customers.
over here in the UK I'm getting 75p for half doz and £1.50 for a doz hen eggs and my duck eggs i get £1 for half doz or £2 dor a doz. I've been thinking about raising it by 5p pert half doz becos the norm price is not covering the full price of feed.
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I have become very curious about this topic. I have 6 chickens and only 4 who are producing edible eggs. We are getting more than enough for the family and I have several people to whom I have started a client base with. Out here in ct people are charging anywhere from $2-6 for a dozen eggs. Our chickens are free range and grain fed. My question is that should I start at a higher price say 3 a dozen? Come September I will be having at least 22 more hens laying. I don't want to be stuck with a ton of eggs but at the same time I want to try and recoup the cost of them as well as benefit from the yummy eggs. I'm thinking about starting the pullet eggs at 2 a dozen. Is all the feasible? Any one in ct know?
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i need a doller a doller a doller is what i need hey hey
A farm about a 1/2 a mile from me charges $2.75/doz . Local farmer's markets are getting $3.50/doz for "farm fresh" eggs and selling out of them. I'm still waiting for my eggs. I have about 8 weeks to go.
I charge $2.50 a dozen, but I am planning on raising it because the cost of feed went up. Not to mention that I also deliver or meet some where if that person can't come to me. I seen the majority of people in my area selling $3.50-$4.50. Organic around here is $5.00 and up per dozen.
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